Change the following rates into the indicated units:

Make sure to indicate the units in your answers.




1) 200 hens at 5 eggs/week each = 1000 eggs/week
1 month = 4 weeks so he gets 4000 eggs/month.
12 eggs/dozen makes it 4000/12 = 333.33 dozen eggs/month.
He can produce and sell 333 dozen eggs/month and have 4 eggs left over for an omelette.

2) 2200 metres in 5 minutes = 2.2 km in 5 minutes
2.2 km in 5 minutes = 0.44 km/min
0.44 km/min % 60 min/hr = 26.4 km/hr.

3) $0.57 per 100 grams: There are 1000 grams in a kilogram
1000 = 10 % 100 so it costs 10 % 0.57 = $5.70 for a kilogram of potatoes.

4) 50 metres per minute = 50 % 1/1000 km/m = 1/20 km/min
There are 60 minutes in an hour so the speed is 1/20 km/min % 60 min/hr = 3 km/hr.

5) 3.2 km in 4.3 minutes = 3.2/4.3 km/min = 0.74419 km/min.
There are 60 minutes in an hour so the speed is 0.74419 km/min % 60 min/hr = 44.65 km/hr.

6) 3450 metres in 10 seconds = 345 m/sec = 0.345 km/sec
There are 3600 seconds in an hour so 0.345 km/sec % 3600 sec/hr = 1242 km/hr.


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